Client Transformations
Explore the major benefits of bookkeeping at KEM

We Aren’t Your Typical Bookkeepers And Accountants…
See what the KEM experience has done for some of our fabulous clients
Increased Revenue From $100k → $1.5 Million In 2 Years
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- Moving from freelancer to CEO mindset
- No professional bookkeeper or system
- In an industry going through major changes
This KEM client is a highly sought after A/V specialist who realized the friend handling their bookkeeping wasn’t going to cut it as the business grew. As this client navigated big changes in their industry – and additional challenges brought on by COVID – they realized they needed a true accounting partner who could provide direction, share ideas, keep their accounting practices in check, and help them scale without sacrificing employee retention or their own wellbeing as owners.
Here’s What We Did:
- Cleaned up & organized their accounting systems
- Walked them through using the system
- Identified key areas for growth
- Connected to lenders who could offer support during the pandemic
- Clearly explained their tax liability and responsibilities as a business owner (this is so different from working as a contractor or employee!)
- Worked through specific industry and offer challenges on a series of coaching calls – brainstormed creative solutions and helped them expand their offers in a profitable, sustainable way
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Increased first-year revenue of $100,000 to $1.5 million by year 3
Avoided huge tax bill and set up appropriate tax savings
Provided support, strategy, and inspiration when challenges arose
Streamlined Spending And Increased Profit Margins
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- Messy books and conflicting systems
- Spending $$$ on ads that weren’t generating leads
- Significant cash flow issues
This KEM client – a family law practice – has been in business since 2017. They came to us in 2020 when they realized their accounting software and legal trust software were being handled by too many inexperienced hands and had become too confusing and messy to trust. It was impossible to identify profitability or track expenses because nothing was in the correct category.
Here’s What We Did:
- Meticulously combed through over a year’s worth of invoices and records to reconcile their accounts and properly allocate all of their funds
- Trained their team on how to use the accounting software moving forward to avoid repeating the same mistakes
- Highlighted the lack of ROI for certain investments and identified areas of overspending
- Negotiated due dates on payments and restructured their accounts so they always had enough cash to run payroll and pay bills on time
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Clean, organized books and clear tracking of every dollar coming in
Taught them how to strategically evaluate expenses for max ROI
Cut back on unnecessary spending to create a lean, profitable business
Saved $$$ And Increased Profits By Converting Their Manual Accounting Process To Automated Software
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- No real-time sense of revenue and expenses
- Time-consuming manual accounting process
- Missed opportunities for sales + discounts
This KEM client had been in the manufacturing industry for over 30 years when they came to us with an outdated, manual accounting system in 2020.
Here’s What We Did:
- Began and executed a tiered conversion process to QuickBooks Online
- Trained team members on new system
- Connected bank accounts and began receiving live financial data
- Used real-time financials to decrease unnecessary discounts given to clients and negotiate better terms with vendors
- Coached leaders through periods of lower-than-average sales so they could stay profitable
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Increased profitability, sales, and employee satisfaction
Saved major time and money through moving to automated software
Enabled sales team and leaders to work from home
Rectified Issues With The IRS And Spent More Time With Family
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- Chaos from converting QuickBooks on their own
- Missing payroll and tax payments
- Sales tax issues
This KEM client – a retail shop – reached out to us for help after they attempted to transition from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online by themselves. The transition caused significant errors and issues with payroll and sales tax, and the client was receiving notices from the IRS.
Here’s What We Did:
- Setup QuickBooks Online correctly and trained the business owner on how to use it
- Setup processes so tax liabilities were covered and payments were going out on time
- Identified sales tax issue and fixed the problem
- Reconciled historical accounts and created a clear view of every account, payment, and expense
- Provided support through challenges of fixing existing problems and repairing relationships
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Cleared up the issues with the IRS and prevented future issues
Allowed business owner to step away when their family needed support
Empowered business owner to overcome and move forward
Found More Freedom, Saw 40% Growth In One Year, And Expanded Their Physical Location
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- Never being able to take vacation or days off
- Business owners not paying themselves
- Relying on QuickBooks Desktop
We’ve worked with this client – a locally owned service business – since 2017. When they came to us, the owners weren’t regularly paying themselves and felt like they had no one they could rely on to help in their business.
Here’s What We Did:
- Ensured business owners understood they deserved consistent paychecks and established a weekly payroll process for them alongside their team’s payroll
- Converted from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online and helped owners learn to trust the real-time financial information
- Connected owners with our trusted network partners to create an employee handbook, review employee benefits and improve systems for their team
- Identified overspending
- Created an automated, paperless invoice system
- Guided owners through expansion process once growth reached specific milestones
- Celebrated their achievements and milestones by surprising the office with lunch
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Gave owners a regular paycheck and ability to take time off
Grew revenue from $35k/month to $100k/month in 3 years
Created a debt-free business that expanded to new locations
Automated Payments And Grew To Nearly $1 Million In Annual Sales
This client came to us with these main challenges or needs:
- Keeping manual, paper records for clients
- No clear schedule or invoices for payments
- No systems to support a growing business
When this educational services client came to us, they were only accepting payments through personal checks and kept everything filed in individual paper folders. They had a growing demand from clients and no way to support the impending growth.
Here’s What We Did:
- Setup QuickBooks online
- Created automated systems to capture client and payment information
- Converted 75% of clients to automated payment system
- Navigated the complicated payroll process and helped them file correct paperwork with the state
- Streamlined invoicing and pricing system
- Reviewed their processes and showed them where they needed to hire additional team members
- Created systems for their own team and their clients
- Created incentive for in-full or early payments and process for handling late payments
How Did KEM’s Services Impact This Client?
Grew annual revenue from $80k to $750k… and still growing
Created better client experience and payment process
Learned what to monitor and how to use financial data to make decisions
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